Garden Activities for February
Least fun but very important: WEEDING – the pop weed (shot weed) is growing like crazy right now, best to get it out before it throws seeds everywhere.
PLANTING – Around here we can plant most things for most of the year, as long as the ground is not frozen. It’s perfect timing for the bare root fruit trees and berries as you can save money as well as getting first choice of our supply.
If they forgot to plant bulbs in the fall, we have a good assortment of sprouted bulbs in packs and 4” that can go in the ground or containers right now. Other plants ready for spring in bedding are the pansy/violas and the primroses. The cyclamen are best suited for container plantings.
Perennials has lots of lovely hellebores in bloom and they are starting to get in some nice spring color that is great for containers as well as for in the ground plantings.
PRUNING - It’s a bit early for rose pruning, we usually recommend waiting for the end of the month, but fruit trees can still be pruned. Spring blooming shrubs like forsythia, Spiraea and rhodies and azaleas are normally pruned right after blooming.
FERTILIZING - A dedicated rhododendron grower fertilizes around Valentine’s day, Mother’s day and the 4th of July, but the first date is probably the most important. All trees, shrubs and perennials can be fertilized in February or March. The lawn can be fertilized a bit later in the month or into March, and for most of us, moss control, either in the fertilizer or as a separate application should be done now. A dressing of lime will sweeten the soil and make it less favorable for moss growth.
SPRAYING – It’s the last chance to use dormant oil on deciduous tree and shrubs.
VEGETABLE BED PREP – If you had sown a cover crop in the fall, it is time to turn it under. Weeds need to be cleared from the bed and plant debris from the fall (think half rotten cabbages, old tomato vines, etc.) should be removed.
SEED STARTING – It is still way too early to start tomato, pepper and squash-y seeds, but cool weather crops like the cabbage family and lettuces could be started indoors. Peas can be direct seeded into the bed late in February, although the early start does not really result in an earlier harvest because the plants sprout and grow much more slowly in the very cool weather.