Pet-Safe Houseplants for Your Indoor Garden

Pet-Safe Houseplants for Your Indoor Garden

If you’ve resisted filling your home with plants because you’re worried about your furry friends getting into them, rest assured. Here is a list of pet-safe plants that you’re sure to love:


Pachira (Money Tree)

Needs lots of light, up to full sun. Southern and Western exposure is ideal. Soil needs to dry thoroughly between watering. The leaves will yellow and drop if it is watered too much. Likes staying in a smaller pot for longer.

Chlorophytum comosum (Spider Plant)

Also known as the Airplane Plant. Bright ambient light is best for these. Eastern exposure is ideal, but can be back from the window in Southern exposure. Let the soil dry thoroughly between watering. Spider plants can tolerate some moist soil, but not for extended periods of time. The babies can be propagated in water and kept in water, but once planted in soil they need to be allowed to dry thoroughly.


Bright natural light without direct sunlight is best for these tropical ferns. Any location in your home where you do not need to turn the lights on during the day to read. Keep in a pot that drains well.

Tradescantia (Wandering Jew)

Does best in a room that the bright with no drafts. This trailing plant likes to dry slightly between watering. If gone too dry leaves start to brown. Tradescantia loves to trail and wander, so let it have space and you will have nice full color!

Hoya (Wax Plant)

Needs lots of light, up to full sun. Southern and Western exposure is ideal. Let the soil dry thoroughly between watering. Hoyas are vines, so train on a trellis or let go wild. Slower growers that will provide beautiful fragrant flowers with regular fertilizing and proper watering care.

Saintpaulia (African Violet)

Moderate to bright, indirect natural light. Let the top 1-2” of the soil dry between watering. Water from the bottom with room temperature water by placing the plastic grower's pot in water, and allowing the plant to absorb the water (not more than 30 minutes). Avoid getting water on the leaves as this can cause spotting damage. Fertilize with African Violet fertilizer once a month.
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