Hours: Mon - Sat 9am - 5 pm, Sun 10am - 5pm

Pollinator Gardening

Shop by Pollinator Type

Plants for Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored tubular flowers. Favorites include Salvia, Lupine, Columbine, Heuchera, and Foxglove.

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Plants for Butterflies

Butterflies love brightly colored, flat flowers that are in clusters. Butterfly favorites include Dahlia, Dianthus, Gaillardia, Salvia, and Verbena.

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Plants for Bees

Bees are one of the best pollinators around and are attracted to almost all flowers. Particular favorites include Snapdragon, Aster, Nepeta, Lavender, and Mint.

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Pollinator Garden Plants

Shop our full collection of plants that support pollinators.

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Pet & Pollinator Friendly Plants

Shop our collection of Pet friendly plants that Pollinators will love.

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Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium's

Nature Play Garden

Watson's is proud to support the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium and the new Nature Play Garden, opening Friday, April 1st!

Kids, adults, plants and pollinators all co-exist in the Nature Play Garden. Watch as butterflies, birds, bees and countless other insects all delight in this garden. Learn how to share your own yard at home with pollinators.

Photo Credit: Katie Cotterill

Experience the Nature Play Garden

Basic Tips for Supporting Pollinators

Tip #1:

Plant Variety

Choose a variety of plants with overlapping bloom times.  Try to always have 3 or more nectar sources from early spring to late fall.

To support the greatest variety of pollinators, plant as many different flower sizes and shapes as possible.

Tip #2:

A Place to Drink

Pollinators, like all animals, need water to drink.  Place a shallow dish with some pebbles and water outside in a shady spot.

Tip #3:

Any Size Garden Helps

Flower patches that are large are the most attractive to pollinators, but even small container gardens can attract and support pollinators

Hummingbird Feeders

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